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If you are looking for work and you're aged between 15—24 years of age,
Workforce Australia - Transition to Work (TtW) could be for you.
If you're an employer with a comittment to helping young people succeed in the workplace,
Transition to Work delivered by Joblink Plus can support you to hire your next team member.
Workforce Australia - Transition to Work (TtW)
We focus on what young people are good at when helping them get ready for work. Our positive approach encourages and motivates young
people to make good choices. TtW Participants tell us they feel respected and understood by Joblink Plus staff. They feel like they have
choices and know what steps to take with the help of their consultant.
TtW services for employers include:
- pre-employment skills for participants that is directly relevant to the needs of local employers and the local labour market
- work experience placements for eligible participants to assess a young person’s suitability for a job
negotiating Youth Bonus wage subsidies of up to $10,000 (GST inclusive) with employers who offer young job seekers ongoing employment
- post placement support to ensure a young person settles into a job and the employer’s expectations are being met.